xmovies8 Hamilton 2020 Watch Online Full Movie

Biography; Release Date: 2020; ; Countries: USA; Duration: 2 H 40 minutes

﹡➡ ✭♠✻☆♡✺♡★↡✹≈ψ∞❂↡


﹡➡ 123Movies

﹡➡ ♤§ω✹♣✲☆✵﹡§✼ψ⇑❃⌘




I finally watched Hamilton.
I enjoyed it like I enjoy jam scones. Problem is I was expecting some flaming bombe alaska; not because of all the hype though that surely played a part; but because that's what listening to Hip Hop normally feels like for me. Flaming Bombe Alaska, not jam scones.
I love the lyricism. It's clever, slick, powerful. Props to Miranda for writing some sweet bars to spit. Also, the use of leitmotif was well executed, if not subtle. And some of the choreography was pretty brilliant, especially the use of the 'turntable ring stage. Awesome.
The music itself though. If you know someone who can't get over how great the Hamilton soundtrack is, who can rap every line of 'Alexander Hamilton. I mean this in the nicest possible way but just picture that person in your mind for a while and ask this: on a scale of 1 to Dababy, how black are they?
I get that the founding fathers were in fact, white guys, and that hip hop in broadway is novel. But I think the musical arrangement seriously sounds like a white theatre geek tried to write hip hop and forgot to add any gangsta cause he was too busy eating jam scones. Where are the fat 808s that make my car seat vibrate? The trap runs that slap fire? The syncopated stabs/plucks coined in the 2000s that scream 'badass' or the repeated piano riff ala Eminem et al brimming with down-to-earth raw emotion? Nowhere.
Instead we get almost classical vocals from the main love interest; who did have a wonderful voice (perfect for the Sound of Music or Elsa from Frozen) but sounds so cringe when toplining over a pseudo-rap beat just 1 minute 30 into the first number.
Then there's the titular character himself. Why, Lin Manuel Miranda, did you think it was a good idea to cast yourself as the centrepiece of your own musical. did you seriously think your lack of vocal training wouldn't blatantly show amidst a FULL CAST OF BROADWAY SINGERS? 😭
Look, jam scones are nice. I really do enjoy them still. Hamilton is worth a watch. If you love it, props to you. Now go get some actual hip hop into your system.

Hamilton is a masterpiece in every single sense of the word and in all of the genres it touches. It is a fascinating story, an exhilarating history lesson told through insanely great contemporary music and lyrics, all perfectly rhymed, making you feel all the feels. To be able to see it with the original cast, right there from the very best seats in the house is already a wonderful gift, but this film went beyond that and gave us close-ups, aerial views, cinematic pans, all without keeping us from missing the whole ensemble and letting us enjoy the subtleties in their performances.




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